“… a goddamn druid or something …”

American journalist William Weston – the first foreign reporter to be allowed into the country of Ecotopia (formerly the American region encompassing Northern California, Oregon, and Washington) offers his first impression of Ecotopian religion: This got very exciting. Eyes shining, she leapt out of tub and ran out the door, dripping. I looked after her, … Read more“… a goddamn druid or something …”

“Psychotechnologies for the Age of Collapse”

Writing for Emerge, Euvie Ivanova argues that the present age of compounding crises may be met by new psychotechnologies: Collective Sapience must include and integrate the practices that: a. Restore wholeness of body and mind, a wholeness of selfb. Restore wholeness of self and other, a collective intimacyc. Restore wholeness of self and world, an … Read more“Psychotechnologies for the Age of Collapse”

“The surprising power of daily rituals”

Karan Johnson writes for the BBC on the psychological benefits of ritual: A ritual is defined by psychologists as “a predefined sequence of symbolic actions often characterised by formality and repetition that lacks direct instrumental purpose”. Research identifies three elements of a ritual. First, it consists of behaviours that occur in fixed succession – one after another – … Read more“The surprising power of daily rituals”


The Assemblage of Areté promotes: (…) a new, humanist religion focused on developing personal and communal areté (ahr-uh-tay), or human greatness. While we encourage skepticism of religions, we define the word ‘religion’ to mean a cohesive set of philosophies and rituals, requiring active participation; and Aretéanism is exactly that.  Unlike many religions however, Aretéanism specifically rejects … Read moreAretéanism