“I believe in everything; nothing is sacred. I believe in nothing; everything is sacred.”
Tom Robbins (July 22, 1932 – February 9, 2025)
Tom Robbins (July 22, 1932 – February 9, 2025)
An overview of contemporary Pagan movements by Wayne Martin Mellinger, PhD: This collection of essays explores the diversity and vitality of Nature Religions in North America, tracing their historical roots, cultural contexts, and contemporary expressions. By engaging with these traditions, we gain insight into the enduring appeal of nature as a sacred source of meaning … Read more“The New American Religions of Nature –a Compilation of 15 Essays”
According to The Monastic Academy for the Preservation of Life on Earth: If compassionate and wise beings don’t create the religion of this age, others will. In recent years, religion has evolved more quickly than any other force on Earth. Powerful leaders are now publicly claiming things that would have seemed absurd ten years ago, … Read more“Cyborgs Need a Trustworthy Religion”
The New York Times offers some insight into the Aetherius Society, one of the OG UFO religions of the 20th century.
A short but fairly insightful BBC presentation on Iceland’s curious national attitudes towards its legendary huldufólk (“hidden people”), which seem to combine tourist attraction/the impulse to mess with tourists, sentimental respect for cultural tradition, a sense of national pride and symbolic respect for/fear of natural forces in a genuinely unpredictable landscape.