“A religion you can dance to”: Deborah Kelly’s Creation project

Australian artist Deborah Kelly describes Creation, a “queer science fiction climate change religion” and an experiment in collaboratively creating religion as a work of art: CREATION is a new religion, manifesting in spectacle and intimacy. A faith, a gathering of intention and purpose with which to face an era when paid opinion trumps environmental evidence. … Read more“A religion you can dance to”: Deborah Kelly’s Creation project

The Nontheistic, LGBTQIA+ Prism Sanctuary

What if we had a religion that protected LGBT rights under the umbrella of religious liberty? During the first week of 2022, Republican lawmakers in Alabama, Arizona, Indiana, Kentucky, New Hampshire, Oklahoma and South Dakota introduced at least 9 measures that limit the ability of transgender and nonbinary youths to participate in sports or receive … Read moreThe Nontheistic, LGBTQIA+ Prism Sanctuary

“The Message from Vega” – Contact (1997)

In the film adaptation of scientist Carl Sagan’s 1985 science fiction novel Contact, radio astronomer Ellie Arroway (Jodie Foster) makes first contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence from the Vega star system. This scene portrays the media and folk-religious response, as tens of thousands of people flock to the Very Large Array in the New Mexico desert; … Read more“The Message from Vega” – Contact (1997)

“Hail Satan?” (documentary trailer, 2019)

The Satanic Temple is a science-positive, socially progressive religion in Halloween regalia. Penny Lane’s 2019 documentary Hail Satan? is an illuminating – “Lucifer” being the Light Bringer, after all – and well-produced documentary on a fast-growing but still widely misunderstood religious movement. Far from being the embodiment of all evil, the Satanic Temple is revealed … Read more“Hail Satan?” (documentary trailer, 2019)

“Dudeism: the Path to Lebowski Enlightenment”

Often described as “the slowest-growing religion in the world”, Dudeism was inspired by the philosophy espoused and exemplified by Jeff Bridges’ character in the Coen Brothers movie The Big Lebowski. According to Dudeism.com: While Dudeism in its official form has been organized as a religion only recently, it has existed down through the ages in … Read more“Dudeism: the Path to Lebowski Enlightenment”

Earthseed: a new religion inspired by Octavia Butler’s “Parable” series

God is Change.Shape God.The Destiny of Earthseed is to take root among the stars. Click here to visit the Earthseed website, home of one of several new religions inspired by speculative fiction author Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower (1993) and Parable of the Talents (1998): Most religions are ultimately cargo cults. Adherents perform required … Read moreEarthseed: a new religion inspired by Octavia Butler’s “Parable” series

“W.I.T.C.H.es Brew” (2017)

Molly Birnbaum writes for Topic on the Trump-era revival of W.I.T.C.H. as a tactic of political protest and occult resistance: “Anonymity is dramatic,” says a W.I.T.C.H. (Anonymity also prevents doxxing—a real threat in this day and age.) “The witch is a powerful figure when so many people feel like they’re losing control,” another W.I.T.C.H. explains. … Read more“W.I.T.C.H.es Brew” (2017)

“The Advanced Bonewits Cult Danger Evaluation Frame” (1979)

Pioneering American neo-Druid Isaac Bonewits first published the ADCDEF in the second edition of his book Real Magic, in the midst of a widespread and sometimes justified moral panic about new/minority religions. As Bonewits commented, many years after its original publication: Minority groups, especially religious ones, are often accused of crimes by members of the … Read more“The Advanced Bonewits Cult Danger Evaluation Frame” (1979)