The Sisters Academy

Based in Copenhagen, Denmark, The Sisters Academy is:

(…) a school in a world and society where the sensuous and poetic mode of being is at the center of all action and interaction. It defines the primary mode of being and is the values on which all societal institutions are building – including the school. Thus Sisters Academy is the school in what we term a Sensuous society – A potential new world arising from the post-economical and ecological crisis. Between 2014-2024 Sisters Academy will manifest in a series of Nordic countries and potentially beyond as we create otherworldly boarding schools and take over the leadership of a series of actual upper secondary schools.

The method draws on immersive, interactive and interventionist performance art strategies.

The method is immersive in the sense that a whole school is being immersed into a otherworldly place that activate the senses and allow us to think and feel radically different from everyday life. 

The method is interactive in the sense, that once you are at the school, you are perceived as a student or teacher or guest of Sisters Academy and The Sisters and performance staff of the group will engage with you in this sense. You leave your everyday persona to explore your potential poetic self while investigating how we can evoke and activate the senses and emotions to deepen the learning experience.

And the method is interventionist in the sense that the group will often intervene into everyday life contexts using art to argue the need for the aesthetic dimension to be an integrated part of everyday life – Not as something exclusive and autonomous. In that way it is a performance artistic approach with a very articulated social agenda.

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