“Designing Utopia: John Hargrave and the Kibbo Kift” by Cathy Ross and Oliver Bennett 

A fascinating, comprehensive and beautifully illustrated account of the life and work of John Hargrave, founder of the Kibbo Kift Kindred and later among the chief protagonists of the Social Credit movement in England. Exemplifying the virtues and limitations of the early 20th century “self-taught man”, Hargrave was accomplished in a variety of fields and … Read more“Designing Utopia: John Hargrave and the Kibbo Kift” by Cathy Ross and Oliver Bennett 

The Fifth Sacred Thing

A video trailer for a sadly unrealized movie adaptation of Starhawk’s 1993 science fiction novel The Fifth Sacred Thing. The religions of ecotopian Califia (as San Francisco and parts of the Pacific Northwest have been renamed in the story) are mostly projections of contemporary Paganism, contrasted with the ultra-fundamentalist version of Christianity enforced by the … Read moreThe Fifth Sacred Thing

“Turn Your Life into Art: Lessons in Psychomagic from the San Francisco Underground”

Veteran Burning Man philosopher Caveat Magister wrote this memoir/manifesto/manual for would-be psychomagicians, most especially those inspired (more or less directly) by the often clandestine workings of San Francisco’s underground experiential arts scene between the late ’70s and circa 2015. If you’re intrigued by Gary Warne’s Suicide Club, the Cacophony Society, the origins of Burning Man, … Read more“Turn Your Life into Art: Lessons in Psychomagic from the San Francisco Underground”

“Facing Death Without Religion”

An excerpt from Christel Manning’s excellent essay for the Harvard Divinity Bulletin on how nontheists/atheists, freethinkers et al face their own mortality: We often think of science as cold and hard and value neutral. Max Weber famously wrote of how the ascendancy of science over religion in the modern world has led to “disenchantment.” Yet I found that science-based … Read more“Facing Death Without Religion”

A Seraphite Shrine from “The Last of Us, Part 2”

The Last of Us, Part 2 is a brutal, epic video game experience, set in a post-apocalyptic America devastated by a fungal infection that transforms humans into monsters. Death runs rampant throughout the grueling game-play, both as inflicted by and upon many of the characters and in terms of motivating a seemingly endless cycle of vengeance. … Read moreA Seraphite Shrine from “The Last of Us, Part 2”

The Society for Ritual Arts

Introducing the Society for Ritual Arts: Our mission is to support the ritual arts community through the advancement of arts and scholarly research in the fields of spirituality, consciousness, healing, performance, and visual media. We support work that advances freedom of spiritual practices globally, the scientific study of spirituality and the human brain, and beauty in … Read moreThe Society for Ritual Arts

The Meaning of Life According to Tom Robbins

Tom Robbins is the author of numerous counterculture classics including Another Roadside Attraction (1971), Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (1976) and Jitterbug Perfume (1984). The search for meaning is not a whole lot different than the yearning for certainty, which is to say, an unsuitable pursuit for any who might aspire to nimbleness of mind, … Read moreThe Meaning of Life According to Tom Robbins

The Great Fairy Science (from “The Water Babies” by Charles Kingsley)

Although Charles Kingley’s 1863 children’s novel has fallen from favor, his image of the Great Fairy Science – “who is likely to be queen of all the fairies for many a year to come” – might serve as an icon for certain nontheistic practices of magick. It’s a fun coincidence that the word “steam”, proudly … Read moreThe Great Fairy Science (from “The Water Babies” by Charles Kingsley)

The Nomadic School of Wonder

The NSoW creates transformational experiences of meaning: In 2015, Barbara Groth founded the Nomadic School of Wonder, “adventures in awe” rooted in nature, art, community, and play. Each Nomadic School of Wonder experience is site specific and explores a theme through the senses. Barbara leads a traveling troupe of artists, experience designers and adventurers to … Read moreThe Nomadic School of Wonder