“American Gods” (2017)
And the people bowed and prayed to the neon God they’d made
And the people bowed and prayed to the neon God they’d made
Much more on Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir here.
Layman Pascal introduces the Rebuilding Spirituality curriculum from Parallax Media: (…) an media/educational online hub and community. Besides free public lectures and dialogues, online blogs, popular podcasts, and YouTube channel— we have various activities for our emerging community. For members we offer a curriculum of courses, convivial study groups, a digital monastery, online salons, and … Read moreRebuilding Spirituality
The full documentary is available on a pay-your-own-price basis via this site.
Yoav Shamir’s 2020 documentary on the Raëlian religion offers a balanced take on what is believed to be the world’s largest atheistic UFO cult.
A featurette on the enigmatic Guilty Remnant cult from the TV series The Leftovers, set three years after a mysterious event known as the Sudden Departure caused 2% of the world’s population to vanish. I think one key to understanding the series, and the GR in particular, is to sympathize with the characters (and their … Read moreThe Guilty Remnant
Located in Wappinger, New York, CoSM is: (…) a place of contemplation & worship for community honoring the practice of art as a spiritual path. CoSM’s site and structure provides a living model of the ideals expressed through the inspiring artwork of the collection and exhibitions, the writings of the founders and invited contributors. CoSM … Read moreThe Chapel of Sacred Mirrors
VICE’s Fernando Perez has long been fascinated by Shugendo: an ancient Japanese spiritual practice centered on finding enlightenment through nature. The monks who follow it are known to wander through the forests of Japan for months on end, meditate under freezing waterfalls, and stand on the edge of towering cliffs—all in an effort to bring … Read more“Searching for a natural high in the mountains of Japan”