“Towards an American Paganism”

YouTuber Ceisiwr Serith proposes the novel concept of a distinctly American Pagan religion: American Pagans aren’t just Pagans who are living in America; they are Pagans who are American. What does this mean? Ancient Pagan cultures were theocracies, but America is a secular nation. How do we reconcile that? The solution is that there is … Read more“Towards an American Paganism”

CHAPEL by [M] Dudeck

CHAPEL by [M] Dudeck/RELIGIONVIRUS September 7-9/2023 at Graffiti Gallery was a three day durational performance. [M] Dudeck, PhD, (born in Winnipeg, 1984) is an artist and cultural engineer who invents their own queer religion as art. Their project, called RELIGIONVIRUS, has been performed, exhibited, screened and published in over thirty countries worldwide. Their work as … Read moreCHAPEL by [M] Dudeck

“Make ‘The Electrical Life of Louis Wain’ Your New Religion”

As suggested on the BackRow.com movie blog: The Electrical Life of Lous Wain conjures the same sort of exhilaration that documentaries Jodorowsky’s Dune and Beauty is Embarrassing bring their viewers; the wildly ecstatic high of one man’s vision striking those around him like a lightning bolt, leaving the permanent marks of what was and will … Read more“Make ‘The Electrical Life of Louis Wain’ Your New Religion”

Rebuilding Spirituality

Layman Pascal introduces the Rebuilding Spirituality curriculum from Parallax Media: (…) an media/educational online hub and community. Besides free public lectures and dialogues, online blogs, popular podcasts, and YouTube channel— we have various activities for our emerging community. For members we offer a curriculum of courses, convivial study groups, a digital monastery, online salons, and … Read moreRebuilding Spirituality