“Beyond Atheism: Finding Meaning in the Secular Age”

Freddie Sayers hosts John Vervaeke and Alex O’Connor, formerly known as Cosmic Skeptic, to explore the deep question of meaning in an increasingly secular world. They discuss the historical role of religion in providing purpose and narrative, the modern challenges of finding meaning, and the rise of non-propositional forms of knowledge and practice. O’Connor and … Read more“Beyond Atheism: Finding Meaning in the Secular Age”

“Cyborgs Need a Trustworthy Religion”

According to The Monastic Academy for the Preservation of Life on Earth: If compassionate and wise beings don’t create the religion of this age, others will. In recent years, religion has evolved more quickly than any other force on Earth. Powerful leaders are now publicly claiming things that would have seemed absurd ten years ago, … Read more“Cyborgs Need a Trustworthy Religion”

“The Man and the Monster”

Rüdiger Weida, a.k.a. Bruder Spaghettus explains his practice of Pastafarianism in this short, entertaining documentary by filmmaker Alex Alford: … when I actually met Rüdiger I discovered there was much more to his story than initially met the eye. As a student growing up in oppressive East Germany post-WWII, he fell in love with satire … Read more“The Man and the Monster”

The Church of Reality

The Church of Reality was founded in the late 1990s and promotes a rational religious philosophy expressed in the following tenets: Reality is our GodScience is our BibleEvidence is our ScriptureBig History is our Creation StoryEcology is our TheologyIntegrity is our SalvationPositive Evolution is our Mission Further: The Church of Reality is Religion 3.0. Religion … Read moreThe Church of Reality

“Alan Moore Wants You to Invent Your Own God”

From a review of author/magician Alan Moore’s very long-awaited grimoire, The Moon and Serpent Bumper Book of Magic: Magic, for the Moores, is somewhere between metaphor and spiritual practice. It’s a way, like art, of exploring the rich territory of internal worlds, following the maps offered by tools like kabbalah and the tarot, and shaping … Read more“Alan Moore Wants You to Invent Your Own God”

“Call it ‘Living Wisdom'”

Patrick Barry writes: “Living wisdom” carries this idea of a dynamic, growing, becoming, manifesting sort of project. It’s not just what some wise dudes wrote a long time ago. It’s ongoing, a living project. It, itself, can and will evolve over time, as we slowly, collectively learn. We can be less confused, more wise, more … Read more“Call it ‘Living Wisdom’”

The Sky Meadow Mystery School, Harvest 2024 in a few words and many images

Taking place during late August of 2024, the inaugural Sky Meadow Mystery School was a free, week-long, residential immersion into wholesome permaculture practice and the mythopoetic mysteries of Life and Death. As an experiment in countercultural community-building, the Mystery School was also a time and place to learn new skills and perspectives. One of our … Read moreThe Sky Meadow Mystery School, Harvest 2024 in a few words and many images