“Inside the Spirituality ‘Cult’ Whose Members Allege Sexual and Financial Exploitation”
Mark Wilding writes for VICE on Gudni Gudnason’s Modern Mystery School: The school describes this network as an “international community of lightworkers, initiated in an ancient tradition of service, compassion and empowerment”. Its critics, including numerous former students, describe it as a cult and a spiritual pyramid scheme, whose members face psychological trauma, spiralling debts … Read more“Inside the Spirituality ‘Cult’ Whose Members Allege Sexual and Financial Exploitation”
Re/thinking Religion: Integral Post-metaphysical Spirituality and the religion that is not a religion
In Re/thinking Religion, a new Integral Stage series, John Vervaeke joins Bruce Alderman and Layman Pascal to explore possible points of contact and confluence between their respective approaches to religion and spirituality. For this inaugural episode, we feel into some of the commonalities and differences between Integral Postmetaphysical Spirituality and Integral Transformative Practice, and John’s … Read moreRe/thinking Religion: Integral Post-metaphysical Spirituality and the religion that is not a religion
The Alembic, Berkeley
Co-founded by meditation teacher Michael Taft, neuroscientist Kathryn Devaney and author Erik Davis, the Alembic (in Berkeley, CA) is a new: (…) nonprofit bodymind center committed to experiments in transformation. Drawing from ancient traditions and contemporary protocols, the space offers a wide range of skillful means for exploring, integrating, and transforming our felt engagement with … Read moreThe Alembic, Berkeley
Metamodern Magick with Scoutleader Wiley
Scoutleader Wiley offers an illustrated presentation on her system of Metamodern Magick: Metamodern Magick is a cross-disciplinary framework that seeks to enrich every individual’s knowledge of self and sense of being in the world through individual and communal ritual practice. Drawing from the work of John Vervaeke, Gregg Henriques, Marie-Louise von Franz, and Catherine Bell … Read moreMetamodern Magick with Scoutleader Wiley
“Tarzan and Jesus” – a Parable from Tom Robbins’ “Another Roadside Attraction” (1971)
Jesus was sitting on a rock in the desert, meditating and reading the Law, when Tarzan came riding up on a goat. Tarzan was munching nutmeg seeds and playing the harmonica. “Hi, Jesus,” he yelled. Jesus jumped like he was stung by a scorpion. “You startled me,” he stammered. “I thought at first you were … Read more“Tarzan and Jesus” – a Parable from Tom Robbins’ “Another Roadside Attraction” (1971)
The Sisters Academy
Based in Copenhagen, Denmark, The Sisters Academy is: (…) a school in a world and society where the sensuous and poetic mode of being is at the center of all action and interaction. It defines the primary mode of being and is the values on which all societal institutions are building – including the school. … Read moreThe Sisters Academy
The First Church of David Bowie, Phonomancer
The First Church of David Bowie, Phonomancer is definitely either a metamodern religion disguised as a shamanic role-playing game or a shamanic role-playing game disguised as a metamodern religion: The Discotheque at the End of the Universe! is part of a live-action role-playing game called Phonomancer™ . You can play Phonomancer™ alone, or with up … Read moreThe First Church of David Bowie, Phonomancer
“The Sacred in Fantastic Fandom: Essays on the Intersection of Religion and Pop Culture”
From the publisher’s blurb: To the casual observer, similarities between fan communities and religious believers are difficult to find. Religion is traditional, institutional, and serious; whereas fandom is contemporary, individualistic, and fun. Can the robes of nuns and priests be compared to cosplay outfits of Jedi Knights and anime characters? Can travelling to fan conventions … Read more“The Sacred in Fantastic Fandom: Essays on the Intersection of Religion and Pop Culture”
“Why religion without belief can still make perfect sense”
Philosophy professor Philip Goff writes for Psyche on the perspectives of practicing agnosticism and religious fictionalism: It is common to assume that religion is all about belief. Religious people are ‘believers’. Muslims believe that God revealed the Quran to Muhammad; Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead; Buddhists believe in cyclical rebirth and the non-existence … Read more“Why religion without belief can still make perfect sense”