Read this first: “A Cultpunk Manifesto”

We are Cultpunks.  We affirm that belief systems, rituals, symbols, pilgrimages, tenets, holy days, shrines, festivals, taboos, mythologies and pantheons can and should be created as works of art.  If so, then surely any sufficiently advanced magic is likewise indistinguishable from technology, and religions may usefully be considered as psychological technologies.  Just like any other tech, … Read moreRead this first: “A Cultpunk Manifesto”

“Call it ‘Living Wisdom'”

Patrick Barry writes: “Living wisdom” carries this idea of a dynamic, growing, becoming, manifesting sort of project. It’s not just what some wise dudes wrote a long time ago. It’s ongoing, a living project. It, itself, can and will evolve over time, as we slowly, collectively learn. We can be less confused, more wise, more … Read more“Call it ‘Living Wisdom’”

The Sky Meadow Mystery School, Harvest 2024 in a few words and many images

Taking place during late August of 2024, the inaugural Sky Meadow Mystery School was a free, week-long, residential immersion into wholesome permaculture practice and the mythopoetic mysteries of Life and Death. As an experiment in countercultural community-building, the Mystery School was also a time and place to learn new skills and perspectives. One of our … Read moreThe Sky Meadow Mystery School, Harvest 2024 in a few words and many images

“How to find new spiritual practices”

Morgan Shipley writes for Psyche: What is a spiritual practice, exactly? It is a regular discipline or ritual undertaken with intention to cultivate and enhance spiritual growth. Some common examples include mindfulness meditation, yoga, journaling, communing with nature, manifesting and affirmation cycles, or the use of tarot or astrology. A routine practice that promotes wellbeing … Read more“How to find new spiritual practices”

“Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus”

“VIRGINIA, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men’s or children’s, are little. In this great universe of ours … Read more“Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus”

“What If We Made Lifelong Learning a Religion?”

Nicolas Forero speculates about a new religion founded on lifelong learning practices: Lifelong learning is the continuous process of acquiring, challenging, and refining knowledge and beliefs. This process demands critical thinking and openness to new perspectives. The term “lifelong learning” suggests a pursuit that lasts a lifetime, making it more suitable to turn into a … Read more“What If We Made Lifelong Learning a Religion?”